Bottle Basics in 30 Minutes: Feeding Your Baby with Confidence
Whether you're supplementing, exclusively bottle-feeding, or preparing for occasional separations, this quick and informative 30-minute class will equip you with the essential skills for successful bottle feeding. We'll cover everything you need to know to nourish your baby at every stage.
What you'll learn:
Tiny Tummies, Big Needs: Understand infant stomach capacity and how much your baby needs to eat at different ages.
Nutrient Nuggets: Learn about your baby's changing nutrient needs and how to ensure they're getting the right balance.
Bottle Feeding 101: Master proper bottle feeding techniques for comfort and efficiency.
Formula Feeding Families: Learn how to safely prepare formula and choose the right type for your baby.
Breastfeeding Families: Discover strategies for introducing a bottle without disrupting your breastfeeding journey, including timing and pacing.
Paced Bottle Feeding: Learn how to use this technique to help prevent overfeeding, and allow your baby to control the flow of the bottle.
Recognizing Hunger and Fullness Cues: Learn to read your baby's signals to ensure they're comfortably fed.
This concise class is designed to provide you with practical knowledge and confidence in bottle feeding, ensuring your baby receives the nourishment they need for healthy growth and development.
***This Class is 100% Free to the Public***